by Briquette Tech
25 November 2020
The Italian recycling technology company POR Micucci System SRL have recently announced the appointment of Briquette Tech (A & G Toseland Ltd) as their exclusive distributor and re-seller of their briquetting and shredding range of machinery for the UK and Irish markets. With more than 350 machines already operating in the UK and Ireland, in a variety of industries, the Brescia based company are prioritising the furniture and joinery sector for growth over the next 2-3 years. Their equipment is particularly well suited to help small to medium sized businesses convert their wood waste into, either, a usable internal fuel resource or a saleable product, giving customers the opportunity to produce wood briquettes for domestic use. This is an area likely to see a big rise in demand following the announcements in the governments “ Clean Air Strategy 2019” regarding the banning of the burning and sale of wet wood, to be rolled out from 2021. As part of POR Micucci’s new strategy for the UK & Irish markets, they have installed a demonstration briquetting machine at the premises of Briquette Tech (A & G Toseland Ltd) in Kettering. This will enable customers to trial their own material quickly and conveniently, so they are able to judge the potential of their own particular waste stream for conversion from a costly disposal problem, into a valuable and saleable resource. Contact us today for a demonstration!